I am a stander. My husband of 24 years has suffered with addiction for a LONG time and an affair. I have suffered with trying to control everything!! We have been separated for the last 7 months. I don’t know what I would do without this ministry. GOD BLESS you sweet Charlyne and Lori. I listen to your podcasts while I work, I feel like my mom is speaking to me and loving on me along with a great big sister with Lori!!! I read the daily emails, and the books I’ve purchased from your bookstore. The times I’ve sent prayer requests, they are always answered. I feel so supported to stand, when many other resources say to leave. You are teaching me how to become the wife God called me to be and how to zip my lips and pray instead of throwing in the towel from frustration and discouragement. I may have quit had I not found Rejoice Ministries. You are teaching me so much about the Lord and his goodness and mercy, especially in marriage and standing. I am just so blessed and thankful to be a part of this ministry and I pray one day my husband and I can minister the way you and Bob did and continue to do. Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made along with your family to help all the generations of standers, just like me. Your testimony is helping reverse the curse on marriages and families.
There aren’t enough words to express my gratitude. Thank you again for this precious ministry.